If there were a do-it-all nutrient award, it might go to magnesium. The humble mineral plays a critical role in helping your body function successfully, notes the National Institutes of Health (NIH). ( 1 ) “Aside from being a component of our bones, it’s also needed for over 300 enzymatic reactions in the body,” says Robin Foroutan, MS, RDN , a registered dietitian nutritionist specializing in integrative and functional medicine at The Morrison Center in New York City. Magnesium is involved in muscle contraction, blood vessels, nerve function, and neurotransmitter formation. It also helps ensure a healthy heart rhythm, says Foroutan. Safe to say, “it’s a pretty important mineral,” she adds. Catch is, you might not be getting enough, and being deficient or simply running a lower-than-optimal level can have far-reaching consequences for your day-to-day well-being. RELATED: What Are the Health Benefits of Magnesium?
Consequences The Consequences of Magnesium Deficiency As the NIH notes, magnesium deficiency first shows up as a loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and weakness. It can progress to cause numbness and tingling, muscle cramps, abnormal heart rhythm, and even personality changes. Severe deficiency can lead to an electrolyte imbalance , driving down calcium or potassium levels. (1) The consequences of a condition like hypokalemia (low potassium) can cause symptoms like weakness and fatigue, according to the Mayo Clinic. ( 2 ) It’s possible that chronic insufficiency of magnesium — meaning your level is low but not deficient — can also create problems, says Foroutan.
Signs and Symptoms Signs and Symptoms of Suboptimal Magnesium Levels Olivia Wagner, RDN , an integrative registered dietitian nutritionist in Chicago, suspects someone may run low on magnesium when they come in with the following complaints: Headaches and Migraine Magnesium may play a role in neurotransmitters that help control or block pain, according to the American Migraine Foundation. ( 3 ) Muscle Cramping With Exercise Because magnesium is an electrolyte necessary for muscle function, you may notice that you suffer frequent cramps during physical activity . Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) or Nighttime Muscle Spasms Magnesium may help relax muscles, which can reduce the uncontrollable urge to twitch or move your legs at rest , according to the Cleveland Clinic. ( 4 ) Anxiety or Depression Certain neurotransmitters require magnesium to function properly, says Wagner. Imbalanced neurotransmitters may make it difficult to calm down or leave you feeling on edge, increasing the risk of mental conditions such as anxiety and depression . Constipation Magnesium supports muscular function in the colon wall and helps calm you down, both of which encourage the movement of bowel movements and reduce constipation , says Wagner. Fatigue Magnesium has a hand in adenosine triphosphate synthesis, says Wagner, which is produced in the mitochondria, or the energy factory of cells.
Causes Potential Causes of Magnesium Deficiency Certain conditions, such type 2 diabetes and gastrointestinal diseases like Crohn’s or celiac disease, can affect the way magnesium is absorbed or speed its clearance from the body, therefore putting people who have these conditions at risk of deficiency. Yet true magnesium deficiency in healthy people is rare, according to the NIH. (1) Some researchers don’t agree. Authors of a study wrote that “the vast majority of people in modern societies are at risk for deficiency” because of chronic disease, medications (that affect magnesium levels), diets high in processed foods (which don’t contain sufficient nutrients like magnesium), and depleted levels in soil due to modern farming. However, most cases go undiagnosed, the authors say. ( 5 ) Medications that may increase the risk for magnesium deficiency include diuretics , antacids , and oral contraceptives . ( 6)
Testing Testing for a Possible Magnesium Deficiency Indeed, Wagner says, “I think magnesium deficiency is often overlooked.” One possible reason is the fact that standard testing may fall short. Typically, your doctor may order a serum blood test if they are concerned about your magnesium level. However, the magnesium status in your blood will remain in the normal range until you’re truly deficient, which can be dangerous, says Foroutan. “While there’s controversy about what is the best way to analyze magnesium nutrient status, I use a magnesium red blood cell (RBC) test,” she says. The two tests sound the same, but they differ. RBCs are used as they typically have a higher magnesium content compared with blood serum, making them a potentially preferable marker, notes past research. ( 7 ) However, as the researchers explain, there needs to be more, particularly long-term, studies on this to determine the reliability of this test. Talk to your healthcare provider. Foroutan adds that your results should show that you’re in the middle range, not, say, the lower range of normal. Having a low normal result may mean that your body has the magnesium it needs to survive but not truly thrive, she says. If you are concerned that your symptoms or health concerns may be a result of magnesium deficiency or that your level may not be optimal, talk to your doctor. Ask what type of test they use and why. Based on the results, you may be advised to supplement along with making a concerted effort to eat more magnesium-rich foods , like nuts, pumpkin seeds, spinach, and Swiss chard, says Wagner. It’s always best to get your nutrients from whole foods whenever possible. Healthy men should aim for an intake of 400 to 420 milligrams (mg); healthy women should consume 310 to 320 mg, notes the Cleveland Clinic. ( 8 ) If you’re advised to supplement, Wagner starts patients off at around 200 to 300 mg and, in some cases, goes as high as 400 mg. Since magnesium is a water-soluble mineral, there’s little risk of toxicity, but taking too much can give you diarrhea. “It’s important to choose a high-quality magnesium supplement . Consult with your healthcare provider, who can identify what will be the best fit for you,” she says.