From procrastination to time management, I have a seriously difficult time with executive function. But struggling with such a critical...
Read moreJohn Richie, Ph.D., a professor of public health sciences, along with a team of researchers, conducted their study on the...
Read moreMotherhood ushers in a lot of changes, both emotionally and physically, for those who take on the role. While it...
Read moreHere at mbg, we believe in honoring your cravings. So if you're itching for something sweet? By all means! Functional...
Read moreThe bottom line, according to Penny M. Kris-Etherton, Ph.D., RDN, immediate past chairperson of the American Heart Association's Lifestyle and...
Read moreResearchers tested this hypothesis using pregnant rats with high blood pressure, using L-ergothioneine, a compound extracted from mushrooms, to treat...
Read moreFormer Senior Beauty & Lifestyle EditorJamie Schneider is the former Senior Beauty Editor at mindbodygreen. She has a B.A. in...
Read moreI'll go ahead and assume you're not the person who happily jumps into an ice-cold shower during the winter months...
Read moreAbout 29 million American adults, which is about 12% of the adult population, have sleep apnea. The condition is characterized...
Read moreBoth the keto diet and intermittent fasting have been the talk of the well-being town. The first being the low-carb,...
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